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Guy Levy Law News

Injury compensation for burns and electrocutions at work

Have you or your loved one suffered from a burn or electric injury at work? If so, here’s a guide that can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Burn and electric shock injuries are very common in the workplace, especially for people that work closely with electricity. Studies show that electrocution injuries account for 1000 deaths each year in the US, with a mortality rate of up to 15%.

That’s why all employees are required to protect their workers and contractors against the life-threatening effects of electrocution. However, accidents happen, and you may end up getting electrocuted, affecting your life and income.

Luckily, you can receive compensation for burns or electrocutions at work by making a personal injury claim. Although personal injury claims vary by state, with the help of an attorney, you can get fully compensated for any damages caused by a burn or electrocution.

Types of electric shock injuries

Understanding the different types of electric shock injuries is vital as the compensation for electrocution injuries can vary depending on the type of injury you experience. There are four main types of electric shock injuries, and they include:

• Falls – you can fall, slip, or trip as a result of an electric shock. For instance, if you’re standing on high ground to reach wiring and experience an electric shock, you could fall to the ground. These falls can cause extensive head injuries, musculoskeletal injuries, and fractured or broken bones.
• Burns – an electric shock can cause a thermal or electric burn. The former occurs from the arc flash and blast while the latter occurs when a current passes through your tissues.
• Electrocution – this is death caused by an electric shock, and is is very common in hazardous work environments.
• Electric shock – electric shocks damage your internal organs, and they occur when an electric charge goes through your body.

Many people ignore small electric shocks at the workplace because they believe they’re not a big deal. However, even the smallest electric shock can cause substantial damage that may affect how you work.

Pursuing an injury claim following electrocution

Once you or your loved one experience burns or electrocution at the workplace, you should seek medical attention to establish the extent of your injuries. Besides, visiting a physician helps in solidifying your claim if the other party tries to avoid liability.

Before filing a personal injury claim, you need to establish a liable party (the person at fault for your injury). A personal injury lawyer can help you determine the person that the court will deem liable to pay for your damages.

Therefore, it’s wise to get in touch with a lawyer as soon as you’re injured. You also need to gather evidence to support your claim, including photographic evidence, witness testimonies, PPE guidelines, and medical treatment records.

While this process may seem complex and time-consuming, it’s vital to winning your case and receiving your financial compensation.

Types of damages for burn and electrocution injuries

If you successfully win your personal injury claim, you’ll receive an electric shock settlement for two types of damages. These include:

1. General damages

This is compensation for your electric shock injuries and the pain and suffering you endured. It also includes compensation for the impact your injuries have on your daily life, including the inability to earn an income or pursue your hobbies.

2. Special damages

This is compensation for any out of pocket expenses such as medical treatment, transportation, and legal fees. You can also claim money to compensate the people that took care of you when you were injured.

Contact Guy Levy Law today to hire a personal injury attorney for your burn and electrocution injury.

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