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Over 15,000 car accidents in San Diego a year leave many injured and unable to pay their bills.If you’re one of them, you need Guy Levy Law – a law firm with 25+ years of experience in winning more than $100,000,000 in settlements, awards, verdicts and judgements for our accident injury clients.
Just what compensation from your auto accident are you entitled to?
- Property damage: This includes damages to your car and other personal property.
- Past & Current Medical Bills: If you were seriously injured in an auto accident, or even if you only suffered minor injuries, you are entitled to full compensation.
- Future Medical Bills: You may not be fully healed, or you may have injuries that have long-term effects that need ongoing medical treatment. We are well-versed on what those may be and what their potential value is. We’ll fight for these for you.
- Current and Past Lost Wages: If you could not work because of your injuries, you are entitled to seek recovery for any and all lost wages.
- Future Lost Wages: While ongoing lost wages are easy to calculate, future lost wages are not. Will you be able to work next month or next year? It’s not always easy to predict. We know how to get you the maximum amount you are entitled to.
- Pain and Suffering: This is not easy to put a value on, but here again you are entitled to compensation for any pain and suffering you have to endure as a result of your car accident whether it be physical or mental. We will seek to recover money for all the pain and suffering you have already endured, and that which you may have to endure in the future.
- Loss of enjoyment: If you are no longer able to do the activities you once enjoyed because of your injuries, you deserve compensation.
Be careful! With one simple misstep you can lose it all.
That’s right. Even though you may be entitled to full compensation for your injury and your losses, it’s yours to lose. How so?
First, insurance companies want you to believe your injury accident case is worth less than it is.
Dealing with the aftermath of auto accidents is never easy. Complicated insurance policies and new comparative fault systems lead to increasing confusion about the rights of the car accident victim. As a result, some victims sign away a lot of their due compensation to insurance companies in exchange for a small payment, not understanding that they may be entitled to more when a negligent driver causes harm on the road.
Insurance companies often try to pay a token settlement to accident victims, but these are often not enough to even begin to pay for the expenses associated with an accident.
You don’t need to settle for less. With our expert attorneys on your side, we can help you get more.
Then there’s you. There are 20 ways you can ruin your car accident claim.
With the insurance company trying hard to give you less than you deserve, you need to try hard to not give them anything they can use against you. Here are the common mistakes accident victims make that can completely blow their case.
Mistake 1. You admitted fault.
Mistake 2. You didn’t call the police to make a report.
Mistake 3. You didn’t treat immediately or within a reasonable time.
Mistake 4. You had unreasonable gaps in your treatment.
Mistake 5. You tried to hide your pre-existing injury by telling the doctor you’ve never had pain before.
Mistake 6. You filled out a doctor’s intake sheet and said you never had neck or back pain when you did.
Mistake 7. You didn’t tell the truth.
Mistake 8. You exaggerated your injuries.
Mistake 9. You failed to report to your doctor all of your injuries.
Mistake 10. You told multiple doctors inconsistent information.
Mistake 11. You gave a recorded statement to the insurance company.
Mistake 12. Signing a medical records release form.
Mistake 13. You failed to take photographs of the evidence.
Mistake 14. You posted damaging or contradictory statements on social media.
Mistake 15. You posted on social media multiple travel photos during your case.
Mistake 16. You gave the insurance company too much information including your health insurance information.
Mistake 17. You blew the applicable statute of limitations.
Mistake 18. You waited too long to hire an attorney.
Mistake 19. Making Inconsistent statements.
Mistake 20. Not mentioning previous accidents.
There is too much that can go wrong if you try to handle your case by yourself. So we advise all car accident victims to consult with a personal injury lawyer before accepting any settlement whatsoever – and definitely before you speak to an insurance agent. The right personal injury attorney understands the legal system and their clients’ rights and can help them obtain the compensation they truly deserve versus a token settlement that does not cover their needs or acknowledge their pain and suffering. (In the event of death in car accidents, these cases may fall under the umbrella of “wrongful death,” in which case family members should seek restitution with the aid of an attorney. See our San Diego Wrongful Death Lawyer
page for more information.)
The attorneys here at the Guy Levy Law Firm in San Diego are experts in car accident injuries as they relate to liability and understand how frustrating an auto accident can be for victims and their families. We’re committed to helping our clients fight for justice and compensation – and back up that commitment with a long background in injury law and an excellent reputation in the legal community both
in San Diego and the surrounding areas.
Have you been hurt in a car crash in San Diego,El Cajon, La Mesa, Chula Vista or any other San Diego surrounding town? Don’t delay – you may have limited time to retain an attorney and file a civil lawsuit. Don’t wait. Call today.
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Death caused by the negligence of another is called “wrongful death” because it’s wrong.
Family members deserve compensation. We’re tough, expert, wrongful death lawyers serving San Diego,
El Cajon and other San Diego County cities, and have a 95% success rate in obtaining a monetary reward for our clients.
Wrongful death lawsuits can be brought by a family whose family member has died due to the negligence or misconduct of another. However, these lawsuits are often confusing and intimidating. Read on for more information on wrongful
death and your legal rights if a family member dies.
Wrongful death lawsuits should not be confused with criminal cases. Wrongful death cases take place in civil court and are suits in which a family seeks financial compensation for the loss of their loved ones.
They are not criminal cases.
Damages in wrongful death lawsuits can cover loss of consort or association and might include pain and suffering of the family or the lost wages of the family member who died.
Often it is up to the court to determine who is even eligible to file such a lawsuit. In some states only spouses may file, but laws vary from state to state and jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Clear and convincing evidence is necessary to win your lawsuit.
The amount that can be recovered in an individual’s wrongful death lawsuit depends on the ability of the family to bring clear and convincing evidence that the death was caused or contributed to by the individual or entity being sued. Often, a victim’s assailant can be tried first in criminal court, then brought to civil court. The civil trial, if any, is completely independent of any criminal action.
These issues are extremely emotional and legally complex. Thus, it is recommended that families who believe their loved one has died due to the negligence or misconduct of another immediately contact an experienced personal injury lawyer with expertise in such cases.If someone is to blame for the death of your loved one,
hold them responsible.
The wrongful death attorneys here at the Guy Levy Law Firm in San Diego are relentless in the pursuit of the maximum compensation in wrongful death cases.
We are well-respected San Diego personal injury attorneys with a long track record of successful settlements in a variety of personal injury cases, including those that involve wrongful deaths caused by auto accidents, defective products and slip and fall accidents.
The attorneys here have personally handled wrongful death cases ranging from a single fatality incident to a multiple fatality incident. We understand and respect the pain and suffering of our clients, and relish the chance to help such clients gain closure after the death of a loved one and get the compensation they deserve.
Contact us today for more information on wrongful death lawsuits and your legal rights. We serve San Diego, El Cajon, Carlsbad and other cities in the San Diego County area.
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Consultations by Zoom/Facetime or in person:
9888 Carroll Centre Road Suite 222, San Diego, CA 92126